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- Singh, P. and Grewal, R. (2009) An e-Health Model for Rural Communities. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Health 2009, June, Algarve, Portugal. IADIS Press, pp. 225-228.
- Halloran, J., Iqbal, R., Aliakseyeu, D., Fernando, M., Cooper, R., Grzywaczewski, A., Grewal, R., James, A., and Greenhalgh, C. (2009) Design Challenges and Solutions: Review of the 4th International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing (iUBICOM 2009). Proceedings of Dataspace: The Final Frontier, 26th British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 26, July, Birmingham, UK. Springer-Verlag Press, pp. 234-245.
- Mach, Q. H., Hunter, M., Grewal, R. S. (2008) Cognitive Processing and Performance in Interface Design. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechatronics Technology, Sudbury, Canada, October.
- Grewal, R. S., Targonski, B., Mach, Q. H. (2008) Minimizing the Impact of Change on User Productivity. Proceeding of the the First International Workshop on Web Information Systems Engineering for Electronic Businesses and Governments (E-BAG 2008). New Zealand, September.
- Babiy, V., Grewal, R. S., Janicki, R., Kakiashvili, T., Koczkodaj, W., Passi, K. (2008) Computer Classification Tools for the Social Work Support towards Solving Mental Problems in Canada. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2008). Turkey, August.
- Mach, Q. H., Hunter, M., Grewal, R. S. (2008) Change in Cognitive Models as a Result of Mismatched Models. Proceeding of the IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human-Computer Interaction 2008, Amsterdam, July.
- Mach, Q. H., Grewal, R. S. (2008) Using Canonical Correlation Analysis. Six Sigma Forum Magazine, Vol. 7(3), pp 15-18.
- Babiy, V., Bigelow, B., Grewal, R. S., Janicki, R., Kakiashvili, T., Koczkodaj, W., Passi, K., Tadeusiewicz, R. (2008) Internet Contamination as a Global Harm and a Social Problem. Journal of Applied Computer Science. Vol. 16, pp. 43-53.
- Grewal, R. S. (2007) A Methodology to Harmonize Interfaces in the Medical Profession. Journal of Encephalos: Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry. Vol. 44, pp. 47-48, ISSN 0376-878.
- Grewal, R. S., Mach, Q. H., Persinger, M. (2007). Human-computer Interaction amid Medical Devices: An Empirical Study. Proceedings of Neuroscience 2007. USA, November.
- Grewal, R. S. (2007) eBusiness @ School: The Technology Adoption Advantage. Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunication Networks. Spain, July.
- Grewal, R. S. (2007) eBusiness at School: Lessons Learnt. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Society 2007. Portugal, July.
- Grewal, R. S., Janicki, R., Kakiashvili, T., Kielan, K., Koczkodaj W., Passi, K., Tadeusiewicz, R. (2007) Attacking the Web Cancer with the Automatic Understanding Approach. In Advances in Intelligent Web Mastering, Vol. 43, pp.136-141, Springer-Verlag; Berlin Heidelberg.
- Grewal, R. S. (2006) Visualizing Search Term Relevance, Boolean Operators, and Phrases using the CirSA Chart. Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Multidisciplinary Information Sciences & Technologies. Spain, October, pp. 477-481. ISBN 84-611-3105-3.
- Grewal, R. S. (2001) A Visual Metaphor-Based Tool for a Search-engine User Interface. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Wolverhampton.
- Grewal, R. S., Jackson, M., Burden, P. and Wallis, J. (2000) A Visual Technique to indicate Overall and Component Relevancy of Search-engine Results. Proceedings of the 11th International DEXA Workshop. Greenwich, September. IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 608-612. ISBN 0-7695-0680-1.
- Grewal, R. S., Jackson, M., Burden, P. and Wallis, J. (2000) A Visual Representation of Search-engine Queries and their Results. Proceedings of the 1st International WISE Conference. Hong Kong, June. IEEE Computer Society Press, Vol. II, pp.352-356. ISBN 0-7695-0577-5.
- Grewal, R. S., Jackson, M., Burden, P. and Wallis, J. (1999) A Novel Interface for Interpreting Search-engine Results. Proceedings of Lost in the Web: Navigation on the Internet. London, November. IEE Press, pp. 1-10 (section 7). ISSN 0963-3308.
- Grewal, R. S., Jackson, M., Wallis, J. and Burden, P. (1999) Using Visualisation to Interpret Search-engine Results. Proceedings of The Active Web. Staffordshire University, UK, January. Staffordshire University Press, pp. 15-25. ISBN 1-897898-45-2.